Senin, 27 Oktober 2014

A Short Poem

Welcome back!! Maaf udah lama banget nggak nge-post._.v Janji palsu terus buat sering nge-post sih ya. Penyebabnya apalagi kalo bukan tugas sekolah. Things which is always be my burden as a student. Nah, kali ini aku bakal nge-post my first poem. Ini puisi pertama yang aku post di blog ini, jadi  maaf banget kalo absurd atau mprekenel banget. Here it goes! 

He Was There
He was there
With those blue-grey and white uniform
Same as me
We are growing up
But I never forget the way he looks

He was there
With those scar covered with band aid
With his hair fell down on his forehead
With those two bright eyes

He was there
Standing in front of me
Nothing is same as we were
We are growing up
And, we didn’t know if we are going to meet each other again
In same way or not

But I knew he was there with those smile

Thanks for being so patient for waiting me to post another thing. I hope I can continue writing and post it tho this blog. Enjoy and See you soon! 


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