A Morning Kiss Bye
*Jack’s P.O.V*
It’s really early in the morning, and now I put my shirt to my bag. I pack half of my clothes in my cupboard because I will have a journey on India. A really meaningful journey. “Jack!!”shout my brother,Finn. “Are you ready?”he shows behind my door. I nod,”Yeah, I’ll come in a minute”I said. He nods and leave my room. I put a white paper on my work desk. It’s been a year and half, I kept this paper. Because of this paper, I’ll go to India. I take a breath and put my bag to downstair.
*Jack’s P.O.V*
I sip my morning coffee. I don’t have enough sleep last night because I was doing an assignment from Prof. “Jack!” I roll my eyes. That’s Will my friend. “Hey, what’s up?”I said and give him high five. “I don’t have enough sleep. The assignment really made me crazy”he answers. My phone vibrate. I read the screen. Finn. “I’m going to pick this first”I say to Will. He nods. I go to park to answer Finn. “Hey,Finn!”I answer. We talk about our new video until I know I late to go to class. “Gotta go. Talk later,kay”I hang up the phone. I rush to my class and unfortunately, bruk! I hit a girl. I spilled my coffee on her shirt and her book. “I’m sorry”I say. “Oh, it’s okay”she says. But, I know she lie because she looks at her assignment really sad. “Is that Mr. Donatello’s assignment?”I ask. She looks at me. “Yeah, But it’s okay”she says and trying to smile. I feel really sorry. “I gotta go to clean myself”she says. “I’m really sorry”I say. She smiles,”I said it’s okay”
*Kalisa’s P.O.V*
“Ahhh!! Sompret!”gerutuku di kamar mandi. “Kenapa aku harus ngomong kalo aku baik-baik aja sih. Mikir dong Kalisa, tugas itu berhari-hari kamu kerjain! Bodoh kamu”aku memukul-mukul kepalaku. Aku melirik jam tanganku. “Aduh! Telat!”gumamku. Aku berlari menuju kelasku di lantai dua. Aku gak mau telat di kelasnya Mr. Donatello. Gila aja telat bisa-bisa diceramahin kayak anak SD. Aku mengetuk pintu. Pftt. Untung belum dateng professor satu itu. Aku langsung duduk di kursi terdekat. Jeglek! Pintu ketutup keras. Kelas yang tadinya rame berubah sepi kayak kuburan. Seorang laki-laki berambut putih, menatap tajam para mahasiswanya. “Duh! Tugasku”teriakku dalam hati. “Please, take your assignment”suruh Prof. Semuanya maju untuk mengumpulkan tugas. “Is there any people absent or not doing the assignment?”ucap Mr. Donatello. Kakiku lemes. Mau gak mau aku harus tunjuk jari. Aku mengangkat tangan. “Oh,you there!”ucap Mr.Donatello. Semua berbalik badan dan melihatku. “Why did you raise your hand?”. “I’m sorry sir, I didn’t bring my assignment”aku mengaku. “Okay, please meet me after this for additional assignment”ucap Mr. Donatello. Aku menarik napas dalam dan kembali duduk.
*Jack’s P.O.V*
I take my assignment on Mr. Donatello’s desk. After all of people give their assignment to him, he asks “Is there any people absent or not doing the assignment?”. The room is so silent. “Oh,you there!”he says. Every eyes turn to the raising hand. Someone stand up. That girl! “Why did you raise your hand?”Mr. Donatello asks with his wise voice. That girl looks so scared but she push herself to be brave. “I’m sorry sir, I didn’t bring my assignment”she answers. Her answer make me really feel so bad. “Okay, please meet me after this for additional assignment”Mr. Donatello says. That girl back to sit.
*Kalisa’s P.O.V*
Aku melangkah gontai keluar dari ruang kelas. Tugas tambahan yang dikasih Mr. Donatello Ini cuma dikasih waktu satu minggu. Padahal satu tugas kemaren aja aku ngabisin waktu hampir seminggu di perpustakaan kampus apalagi ini yang cuma dikasih waktu 3 hari. “Hey!”sapa seseorang di sampingku membuyarkan lamunanku. Aku menoleh,cowok itu! “Kenapa ketemu lagi sih?”batinku. “Oh, hey!”balasku menyapa dengan bingung. Cowok itu tersenyum,”I’m Jack”. Dia mengulurkan tangannya. “I’m Kalisa”jawabku sambil menjabat tangannya. “I’m sorry because of me you have to get additional assignment”ucapnya dengan wajah melas. “No problem. But I think I will strive really hard”ucapku terkekeh canggung. Jack memandangku,”I’ll help you”. Mendengarnya aku menggeleng. “No, Thanks”tolakku. “No,No. It’s for my apologize”. Cowok ini emang keras kepala. “Really?”tanyaku gak percaya. Dia mengangguk. “Okay,If you don’t mind. Let’s start with library”ajakku.
“Do we need all of this book?”tanya Jack yang nanyain sekitar 10 buku yang ada di tangannya. “Yeah, we need all of this”ucapku padahal sebenernya aku cuma butuh 2-3 buku aja. “Kapan lagi bisa ngerjain orang”batinku. “It’s enough now, let’s find a perfect sit”ucapku keluar dari barisan rak buku. Jack membuntutiku di belakang. “That’s look so comfy”ucapnya sambil mengarahkan dagunya di sebuah bangku kosong dengan 2 kursi di pojok ruangan. “Yeah! Let’s go there”ajakku.
“We’re almost done”ucap Jack sambil membaca lagi tugasku. “Aha, but I’m tired”ucapku. “And hungry”ucapku dan Jack berbarengan. Kami berdua tertawa. “Let’s finish it now and go to restaurant”ajak Jack. Aku mengangguk,”Sounds good idea. I have a favorite restaurant near here”.
Jack memakan Spaghetti Carbonara-miliknya. “So, why we didn’t know each other even we’re in same class?”tanyanya. Aku menelan Pepperoni lasagna-ku. “Because I think I’m too busy with my book and sketch”ucapku. “I’m such a nerd”tambahku lalu tertawa kecil. “You drawing?”tanyanya gak percaya. “Sometimes when I get bored”ucapku. “Can I see your work?”pintanya. “Sure”aku membuka tasku lalu memberikan buku sketsaku. “Wow, it’s stunning. I like the detail”puji Jack sambil memperlihatkan sketsa bangunan tua kampus kami. “How about you?What are you doing?”tanyaku. Jack menutup bukuku, “I made vlogs”. “Vlogs?”tanyaku. “It’s like a blog but video. Me and my twin made video about our life and upload it to Youtube”jelasnya. “So, you’re Youtuber?”tanyaku. Jack mengangguk. “Wuu, I think I have social media celeb friend”ucapku.
“Thanks for helped me doing my assignment and pay my food and for take me back to my dorm”ucapku mengabsen hal baik dari Jack. “Sure, urwell”ucap Jack. “So, tomorrow we meet at Library at 10.30 am?”tanya Jack. “Yup! See you around!”ucapku lalu masuk ke dorm milikku.
**End of Flashback*
“Jack!”Finn’s voice wake me up from my dream. I have slept for an hour during the ride. That’s a beautiful dream. “We arrived”Finn say. I climb out from car and prepare all of my bag. Not more than 2 hours I will fly across the ocean to India.
** Continue the flashback**
*Kalisa’s P.O.V*
3 bulan lamanya, aku kenal Jack. Kami udah jadi teman akrab. We’re such a close friends. Really close. Banyak yang ngira kami lebih dari sekedar temen. Walaupun 3 bulan itu waktu singkat tapi aku tau aku udah punya perasaan buat Jack. Dia gak pernah nanya aku buat lebih jadi aku lebih baik diem daripada harus tanya tentang kejelasan hubungan kami.
*Jack’s P.O.V*
It’s holiday now. Me and Kalisa will go to London for a week. “Where will you go?”Will asks. “I’ll go to London”I answer. “With Kalisa?”he asks again. I nod. “Dude, How could you don’t date her?”he grumbles. “What do you mean?”. Will sit on my bed. “You are so close with her just like a couple. Don’t you have a feeling with her?”. I start to think. “Don’t you have a feeling with her?”he asks again. “Yeah, I have!”I say clearly with no doubt. “So, why you don’t date her?”he asks again. “Because..I’m scared if she doesn’t like me as I like her”I say. Will laugh. “Why did you laugh?”I snap him. “You scared of being friendzoned right?”he asks with sly smile. “Nope!!”I refuse the fact. Yeah, I scared of being freindzoned. “So just tell her that you like her”supports Will. “Okay, I will try”I say. “Nah, that’s my gentleman friend. Good luck!”he says.
*Kalisa’s P.O.V*
“Churros?”tawarku sambil menyodorkan beberapa bongkahan churros yang baru aku beli di pedagang di sekitar Hyde Park ini. Jack mengambil satu churros. Setelah habis, dia sibuk lagi dengan kameranya. Sibuk nge-fotoin pemandangan Hyde Park senja ini. Aku memilih duduk di kursi taman nggak jauh dari Jack yang masih sibuk sama kameranya.
“Hey, what are you looking at?”tanya Jack yang udah duduk di sebelahku. “Sunset. It’s beautiful evening. The sunset is perfect”ucapku sambil menunjuk semburat merah di ufuk sana. Cekrik! Aku menoleh ke arah Jack,”What are you doing?”. “Take your photo! Hold that, you look gorgeous!”ucap Jack sambil mengarahkan kameranya ke arahku. Aku mengambil fedora hat milik Jack dan memasang silly face. “You look weird!”ejek Jack sambil ketawa kecil. Aku merebut kamera milik Jack,”But still gorgeous as always hehehe”. Jack tersenyum sambil mengacak rambutku. “Can you just, urggh don’t touch my hair!”perintahku. Namanya Jack, tiap di kasih tau pasti ngeyel malah tambah ngaca-acak rambut.
Aku dan Jack berjalan di jalanan malam London yang penuh kelip lampu kota. “Kalisa?”panggil Jack.”Yeah?” Aku menengadah, ya Jack lebih tinggi 25 cm daripada aku. “Can I ask you something?”tanyanya sambil menggigit pinggir bibirnya. Kebiasaannya kalo dia lagi nervous. “Sure, go on”ucapku. Jack berhenti dari langkahnya,”What do you think about us?”. Aku mengernyitkan dahi,”Us?”. “Yeah, I meant our relationship? Do you feel a more than friends feeling?”tanya Jack sembari tangannya membuat gerakan kutipan di kalimat ‘more than friends feeling’. Aku diam. Jack juga diam. Akwward moment alert! “What about you? Do you feel more than friends feeling?”tanyaku sembari mengikuti gaya Jack yang membuat kutipan di kalimat ‘more than friends feeling’. He giggles. “I think I like you more than friend”ucapnya. Aku ternganga. “Kalisa, are you okay?”tanya Jack sambil meletakkan kedua tangannya di pipiku. Aku tersenyum,”That’s a thing I want to hear from you”. “What do you mean?”tanya Jack sambil mengernyitkan dahinya. Duh! Unyu sekali dia. “Yup, I like you too”jelasku. “So, we are dating now?”tanya Jack meminta keterangan. “I think so”jawabku. Jack tersenyum sambil menatapku. “What?”tanyaku bingung ke Jack yang masih menatapku. “I think you want to kiss me”jelas Jack lugu. “Of course no, Jack Harries!”tolakku keras. “Oh, okay. But, can I hold your hand?”tanya Jack. Aku mengangguk.
*End of Flashback*
I pack again my cameras to a standard suitcase. It’s an hour until I will fly to India. My mind blows to a memories. A sad memories. “Jack?”asks Finn beside me. I look at Finn. “She will proud of you”says Finn. I smile,”Yeah, this journey I dedicated to her and all of people”I add. Finn smile, “Thanks for let us to join you”Finn says with a big smile. I nod,”My pleasure, dude”
*Flashback continues*
*Jack’s P.O.V*
Kalisa. She give me a lot of memories during this one year of our relationship. I like the way she watched Shrek and love the movie series. I like the way she drinks a cup of coffee or milk while I drink a bottle of beer. I like the way she flicks he hair off from her shoulder. I like just the way she is. I like when she smile or get angry because my acts. I like the way we fight but we laugh then. That’s weird, I know. But, I think she’ll be the one.
*Kalisa’s P.O.V*
Pagi ini, cuaca Inggris emang lagi gak asik. Jack balik ke London sedangkan aku masih di Bristol. Jack balik ke London setelah memutuskan keluar dari sekolah buat ngurus channel Youtube-nya.
Aku bangun dengan wajah pucat dan badan nyeri. Aku masuk ke kamar mandi dan baru menyadari aku mimisan! Aku mengambil tisu gulung dan menyumpalkan tisu ke hidungku. Aku buru-buru melihat tangan dan kakiku. Semuanya biru memar! Aku berusaha menahan tangis, aku tau gejala apa ini.
Aku membuka laptopku. Mengirim e-mail ke abangku tentang hasil pemeriksaan. Ini berati aku harus balik ke Indonesia, berhenti sekolah, ninggalin London juga Jack. Aku menelungkupkan wajahku ke bantal. Entah apa yang harus aku omongin ke Jack.
*Jack’s P.O.V*
My phone vibrate. Kalisa on screen. “Hey,gorgeous. What’s going on?”. “You will visit London? Sure I’ll be wait”. “Now? Don’t you have Mr. Donatello’s class today?”I ask. “Okay, but sorry I can’t pick you at station”. “Okay,bye”I hang up and continue editing my video.
*Kalisa’s P.O.V*
Aku sampai di sebuah rumah besar berwarna putih. “How much, sir?”tanyaku ke sopir cab. “15 pounds,Miss”ucap sopir itu. Aku menyerahkan 15 pounds dari dompetku. “Thanks”ucapku lalu keluar dari taksi. Aku masuk ke dalam gerbang yang nggak kekunci itu. Butuh nyali dan kekuatan cuma buat ngetok pintu. Baru aja mau ngetok pintu, Finn muncul dari belakang pintu. “Kalisa?”ucap Finn bingung kenapa hari biasa aku ada di London. “Hey Finn”sapaku. Finn memelukku seperti biasa kalo kita ketemuan. “Jack is upstair. I’ll go for a while. Bye”pamit Finn. “Bye”balasku. Aku masuk ke dalam dan naik menuju kamar Jack. Aku menarik nafas dalam sebelum mengetuk pintu. Tok..Tok!! “Jack?”panggilku. “Come in!”teriak Jack dari dalem. Aku membuka pintu. Jack sedang sibuk dengan komputer yang ada di kamarnya. “Hey, gorgeous!”sapa Jack sambil memutar kursinya dan memelukku yang ada di belakangnya. “Hey! I think you’re busy. Sorry for ruining you work”ucapku terduduk di kasur Jack.“Nope, it’s okay to have you here”ucapnya lembut. Salah satu hal yang aku suka dari Jack, He always treats me right like a lady. “Why did you come here without tell me before?”tanya Jack. “Oh, I think I’m just tired of routine activities”ucapku bohong. “Is everything okay?”tanya Jack. Aku mengangguk. “How is your day? Is that your new video?”tanyaku mengalihkan perhatian. “Yup! It’s about I visited South Africa with Finn last month. I have tell you about the charity, right?. Aku mengangguk, “Yup!”.
“Jack?”panggilku. “Yeah,gorgeous?”jawab Jack tanpa memalingkan mukanya dari komputer. Kebiasaan jeleknya kalo udah main sama komputer atau kamera pasti nggak nengok kalo dipanggil. “Can I talk to you?”tanyaku. “Sure, go on”ucap Jack tanpa melihat ke arahku. “It’s serious, Jack”. “Can we talk about it later?”pinta Jack lagi-lagi masih main sama komputernya. “Jack!!”teriakku. Jack memutar kursinya menghadap ke arahku. “Can we talk now? It’s just a few minutes,please”pintaku. “I’m sorry,Kalisa”Jack meminta maaf sambil duduk di sebelahku. “Just go on”lanjutnya. “Umm.. I just want to tell you that we have to break up”ucapku menahan tangis. The worst thing I have said to Jack. Jack memasang muka kaget dan gak percaya. “What do you mean?”tanyanya meminta penjelasan. “I meant we have to done this relationship”jelasku. “Why?!”suara Jack membesar tapi dia berusaha untuk lembut. “I can’t tell you”jawabku sambil menutup mukaku yang kali ini telah mengalir air mata. “Why do you can’t tell me?”tanya Jack. “Because it makes you more hurt”ucapku. “Did you find another man?”selidik Jack kali ini suaranya meninggi. “No! Of course not!”bantahku. “So why? Why you want to leave me?”tanyanya lagi kali ini dia sampe berdiri dari tempat duduknya. “I said I can’t tell you. Trust me you won’t to hear that”jawabku sambil ikutan berdiri. “You’re selfish Kalisa!”ucap Jack. Kali ini, aku nggak kuat lagi. Aku keluar dari kamar Jack. “Kalisa? What’s wrong?”tanya Finn yang berjalan di dekat tangga. Aku diam dan tetap berjalan keluar dari rumah Jack. “Don’t disturb me Finn! Mind your own business!”teriak Jack lalu terdengar bantingan keras pintu.
*Jack’s P.O.V*
It’s been a year, I don’t hear about Kalisa. She’s gone. She never say goodbye after we fought. None of our friends know where she is. She decided to quit from school. Her apartement is rented by a new student from Singapore. She’s gone really gone.
I eat my sandwich when Will gather with me and Finn at a crowded café. “I have a news about Kalisa”he says. I stop eat. “What?”I ask him. “ A news about Kalisa”he says again. “Tell me!!”. “Her Indonesian friend said she back to Indonesia and I have her address”Will explains and give me a small paper with an address on it. “Thanks bro. I owe you”I say.
20 hours flight across oceans and continents. 3 airplane changes. 5 airport stopped. It all I can do for meet Kalisa. Now, I’m at Yogyakarta. Where Kalisa lived. She always told me about this city. She loves this city.
It’s sunny day when I start to find Kalisa’s house. I climb in to taxi. “Sir, can you drive to this address?”I ask the driver and give him a small paper from Will. “Sure, sir”he answers with his Indonesian tone. 15 minutes drive, I arrived at shady and simple house and a lot of children plays on street in front of the house. “Hey mister!”one of the children greets me. “Hey!”I answer with smile. I love people of this city. I take deep breath before knock the door. A 20 year old woman with a napkin on her shoulder come out. “Sorry, is it Kalisa’s house?”I aks. She seems confuse. “Kalisa?”I ask again. “Oh, Mbak Kalisa!”she answers and back to inside.
*Kalisa’s P.O.V*
“Mbak!! Mbak Kalisa!”aku menaruh buku yang lagi aku baca ketika Mbak Ndari membuka pintu kamarku sambil teriak-teriak manggil namaku. “Kenapa, Mbak?”tanyaku. “Itu lho..Itu ada mister bule di depan”ucap Mbak Ndari. “Bule?Siapa emang Mbak?”tanyaku lagi. “Ya mana saya tau Mbak. Pokoknya dia nyari Mbak Kalisa”ucap Mbak Ndari sambil menggeret tanganku menuju pintu depan. “Siapa tho emang?”tanyaku lagi. “Liat sendiri aja Mbak”ucap Mbak Ndari sambil membuka pintu depan lebih lebar. Sesosok laki-laki berambut coklat duduk di bangku teras. Wajahnya menengok ketika Mbak Ndari membuka pintu. Mata kehijauan itu, jaket kulit itu,kacamata hitam yang tergantung itu,senyum itu.
*Jack’s P.O.V*
“Jack?”she appears from behind the door. She seems really shock. “Hey”I greets. She looks same. But her long hair become short just like Jennifer Lawrence’s. Her eyes still same, brightly and loveable.
*Kalisa’s P.O.V*
“Hey!”laki-laki itu menyapaku. Aku masih terbengong sama apa yang aku lihat. Jack, dateng jauh-jauh dari London. “Mbak Kalisa kenal?”tanya Mbak Ndari. “Iyaa, ini temenku dulu”jawabku. “Yaudah tak tinggal bikin minum dulu ya”ucap mbak Ndari. Aku mengangguk.
Jack tersenyum ke arahku. “Come in!”ajakku. “Why you didn’t tell me that you’ll come here”lanjutku ketika kami sudah duduk di bangku yang berseberangan. “I think you like surprise”jawabnya sambil tertawa kecil. “Kalisa, ada tamu ya?”tanya Andra, kakak laki-lakiku dengan kepala menyembul dari balik tembok. “Oh iya”jawabku sambil berdiri dan menggeret Andra untuk ketemu Jack. “Jack, my brother Andra”aku memperkenalkan Andra ke Jack. “I’m Jack”ucap Jack tersenyum. “I’ve heard about you a lot”tambahnya. “I’m Andra. It’s nice to meet you because Kalisa never stops talk about you”ucap Andra sambil tertawa. Aku menyenggol bahu Andra. Sial! Dia bongkar rahasia. Jack tersenyum lebar,”I think she missed me so much”. Aku melotot ke arah Jack.
“How was your flight?”tanyaku ke Jack ketika Andra kembali ke kamarnya. “It’s ggod but exhausting”jawabnya. “That’s a long flight”lanjutku. “20 hours flight. And I’m still jetlag”ucap Jack sembari terkekeh. “You need fresh air. How about if we go out?”ajakku. He shrugs. “I think the answer is yes. I’ll go to change”ucapku lalu berlari ke kamar.
Aku memakai white tea length skirt dan plain black tee ketika Andra keluar dari kamarnya. “Mau kemana, Kal?”tanya Andra. “Jalan sama Jack”ucapku sambil memasukkan barang-barangku ke leather sling bag. “Dek..”. “Kenapa?”aku menatap Kakakku itu. “Kamu kan lagi sakit”ucapnya. “Mas,I’ve said to you just pretend I’m okay. Nothing is have to be worry. I’m fine”jawabku. “Serius kamu udah sehat? Tapi kemaren kan kamu baru aja..”. Aku memutus perkataan Andra,”Aku udah baik-baik aja kok. Trust me?”ucapku lalu meraih kunci motor Andra.
“I’m ready. Sorry for waiting”ucapku ke Jack yang lagi sibuk main hape. “It’s okay. Girls always take a lot time to get ready”ucapnya lalu memasukkan hape ke saku celananya. “But, I don’t know how to call the taxi”ucapnya. Aku tertawa,”Taxi? We don’t need Taxi Jack. We’ll go with motorbike”. Jack melongo,”Really?”. Aku mengangguk sambil berjalan keluar menuju Vespa putih edisi baru punya Andra. Aku menyerahkan helm ke Jack. “What?! you’ll drive for me?”tanya Jack ketika aku mau ngeluarin motor. “I’ll drive for you!”ucap Jack sambil mengambil alih stang motor. “But..”. Jack memutus perkataanku,”No refuse”.
Kami duduk di salah satu pastry café. Aku mengaduk kopi yang baru aja datang. “How was your channel?”tanyaku. Jack menelan cheese croissant miliknya,”It’s going to be big channel. It’s amazing to have a lot subscriber”. “But, sometimes it’s messed up with a crowded yelling girls when me and Finn went out”lanjutnya sambil tertawa. Aku ikut tertawa.
“Kalisa?”panggil Jack. Aku menengadah dari chocolate mousse-ku. “Why di you leave me and went back to Indonesia without tell me?”tanya Jack. Wajahnya memncarkan kalo butuh penjelasan. “I can’t tell you”ucapku. “Why? If it wasn’t about another man, then why? I need explanation”. “I don’t know how to say it”. “Did you know how hard I’m trying to look for you? Did you know how miserable I am when you left me with unclearly explanation which is not makes sense? All you could say is you couldn’t tell me. I came here after almost a half of year look for you is just to meet you. 20 hours flight is worth just to see you because I miss you Kalisa”ucap Jack dengan wajah memerah. Aku menundukkan kepala menahan tangis. “I’m sorry”satu kalimat yang hanya bisa aku omongin. “I’ll tell you why I left you”ucapku. “Why Kalisa?”tanya Jack. “Because I’m sick Jack”ucapku yang kali ini. “Sick?”ucap Jack kali ini dengan nada bingung. Aku mengangguk,”Cancer. That’s why I went back here and left you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth”ucapku. Jack memegang tanganku. “I’m sorry. I supposed…”ucap Jack. “No,it’s okay. If I was you I need explanation too. That was my fault”potongku. Aku tersenyum ke Jack yang masih diliputi wajah bersalah di wajahnya. “Don’t worry. I’ll survive”. Aku meletakkan tanganku di atas tangannya,”Trust me”. Jack tersenyum,”I trust you,Kalisa”
“Can you buy me a bottle of water?”pintaku ke Jack ketika kami berjalan-jalan di sekitar Malioboro. “Sure, just wait in here”ucapnya lalu masuk ke dalam supermarket 24 jam. 5 menit kemudian dia kembali dengan 2 botol air. “Thanks”ucapku. Aku mengambil plastic-plastik obatku. “That’s insane”ucap Jack. “What? What insane?”tanyaku bingung. “You drink a lot of medicine”ucap Jack. “I have to”jawabku sambil memasukkan pil-pil pahit itu ke dalam mulut. “It’s like eat Tic-Tacs”ucapku lalu tertawa. Jack tersenyum. “Let’s walk around again. I’m hungry”ajakku. “I want donuts”pinta Jack. Kami berjalan kembali. “Can I hold your hand?”. “Sure”ucapku.
Ada pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan. Setelah seminggu di Indonesia. Jack harus balik ke Inggris. Malam ini aku memilih menginap di hotel yang sama dengan Jack(Gak mikir macem-macem lho!) biar besok pagi bisa gampang nganter Jack ke Airport. “What time is your flight?”tanyaku di kamar Jack membantunya membereskan baju. “7 am. We have reach airport at 5.30 am”ucapnya. “Okay,I’ll wake you up at 4 am,kay?”ucapku. Jack mengannguk.
Taksi berhenti tepat di depan pintu kepergian. Aku dan Jack turun. Setelah membayar taksi,kami menuju Dunkin Donuts untuk membeli sarapan. Bandara Adisutjipto belum begitu ramai. Gak lebih dari 1 jam lagi Jack akan terbang meninggalkan Yogya. Apa mungkin ini terakhir kali aku bisa bareng dia?
*Jack’s P.O.V*
The information woman tells that my flight is boarding. I check my bag again if there’s thing be left behind. “You have to go. Your flight will take off in 10 minutes”Kalisa says. I look her eyes and smile,”Goodbye”. She shakes her head,”No goodbye Jack. It’s ‘see you next time’. Goodbye means farewell. I believe you’ll come here again”. “Okay okay. See you next time”I correct my words. She laughs”See you next time Jackamo”. I hug her tight. “I’ll miss you”I say. “Me too. I’m starting miss you now”she says in hug. I loose the hug,”I have to go”. I walk to derparture door. She waves her hands with her sweet smile.
“Jack!!”. I turn my head. Kalisa runs to me. She hit me with a really tight hug. “I just want to give you something. Just come more lower, you’re too high”she asks. I come more lower to her. She kisses my cheek. She never do it before even when we’re dating. I shock. “Take care,Jack”she says. I nod,”You too. Get well soon. I’ll come here to meet you”I say. She nods,”Better to get inside,Jack. Your plane almost take off”.
It’s 3 months after my trip to Indonesia. I started have a communication with Kalisa since that. But, it’s almost 2 weeks she doesn’t give me an e-mail. I start worriying her.
“Jack, can I borrow your computer?”asks Finn. “Yeah”I say from kitchen. “Jack!! You have an e-mail from Kalisa!!”Finn shouts from my room. I rush to my room leave my breakfast. I push Finn to get away from my room. But, it’s not from Kalisa officialy. It’s from Andra but with Kalisa’s e-mail. And he tells me about a worst news. A really worst news.
I came back to Yogya. After I heard about the news, I start to search the early flight to Indonesia. And I got it. I tell to the Taxi’s driver to drops me to Kalisa’s house.
I knock the door. Andra appears with a sleepless eyes. “Hey! It’s me”I say.
He brings me to here. A small wood carved with Kalisa’s full name. Andra stands behind me. “She’s been in coma 2 weeks ago but she won’t let me to tell you. She didn’t want to make you sad”Andra says. I wipe my tears,”Hey,It’s me,Kalisa! I came back here again but without your smile greets me. You told me to not say goodbye that day but why you say ‘goodbye’ to me. That’s ironic”I say with giggles. “Jack,Kalisa give you this”Andra says and give me cream envelope. “I’ll be wait you at parking lots”he continues and walks toward parking lots.
*Ends Of Flashback*
Dear Jack,
It’s been a few months since you came to Indonesia. How was your life? And how was London? I hope you were fine. I hope I was okay now.
Dear Jack,
Sometimes people comes and pass by in our life. Sometimes they left a deep mark in our heart. They just didn’t want to feel oblivion. That’s why I didn’t tell you why did I leave you. I’m just scared of being being oblivion. I didn’t want to hurt you, you were too happy that day. But, I screwed up your day.
Dear Jack,
I Want to say sorry because I left you without explanation. I didn’t think that you would come to Indonesia and meet me. That’s my favorite days but we had to say goodbye. And from this letter, I want to say sorry if I didn’t fullfil my promise to not say goodbye first. I don’t know if I will survive or not.Because I'm dying now. And, if I die I have a last wish. Please, help people with cancer for me. I didn’t have a chance to help them. And you're my friend which is I could trust.
Dear Jack,
I’ve read John Green book. And there was my favorite line which is related to us especially me, “You give me forever within numbered days”. And, I think he was right. That you gave me infinite memories and warm hugs,soft smiles,warm laughters and so many memories I can’t count in days we can counted. Thanks for being a part of my life,Jack.
With a warm hug
I Love You
Let Her Go by Passenger plays on my phone when I finish read Kalisa’s letter.
But you only need the lights when it’s burning low, only miss the sun when it starts to snow. Only know you love when you let her go.
Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low. Only hate the road when you’re missing home. Only know you love her when you let her go.
And you let her go.
The plane was taking off since 15 minutes ago. I look out to the window, a clear blue sky and sun give me a warm shine just like her smile. Yeah, sometimes love comes slow and in different way and it goes so fast and that time you realize how precious people in our life when they left our life and you can’t reach them out again.
Gimana kawan? Maaf ya kalo alay wkwkwk:B Leave your comment about this story above yak. Thanks for reading,buddies. Ciao :))
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